how to appeal for nsfas online 2024

How to Appeal for NSFAS Online in 2024|Boost Your Chances Now

I understand that the rejection of your NSFAS application can be very painful. However, you should not lose heart and do have the opportunity to appeal. This article will benefit you if you wish to continue your educational journey successfully.

I will guide you on how to appeal for NSFAS online for NSFAS funding whether you’re a student at UNISA or some other public institution in South Africa, simply by following easy steps by visiting NSFAS Portal.

Understanding NSFAS Appeals

1. What are NSFAS Appeals?

NSFAS appeals are requests you can make to reconsider the NSFAS team’s decision about your application. If your initial application was denied or your NSFAS funds were reduced, you can appeal if you still believe there was a mistake or have some new information that could help change the NSFAS decision.

2. Why Are NSFAS Appeals Important?

The appeals are significant as they provide a chance to reconsider NSFAS’s error by providing additional information that is not part of your original application. If you’re confident your application was unfairly rejected or the situation has changed, appealing can help you get the funding you desire to continue your studies. It will be helpful if you consider all relevant details in the appeal. 

Eligibility for NSFAS Appeal

In this section, we’ll discuss the eligibility criteria for how to appeal for NSFAS and who can appeal to NSFAS. The following types of students/applicants have the right to appeal to NSFAS and what are the common reasons for appealing?

Who Can Appeal?

Here, we’ll discuss the categories of the applicants/students who can appeal to NSFAS.

1. New Applicants

In case of application rejection of new applicants, they can appeal if their application was declined for the below-mentioned reasons:

  • Incomplete information provision
  • Financially don’t meet the criteria.
  • Academic ineligibility
  • The NSFAS application errors do not include ID number, first name, or surname mistakes.

2. Continuing Students

NSFAS allows the continuation students the right of appeal if their application declines for the following reasons:

  • Financial ineligibility
  • Academic ineligibility

NSFAS Appeal Reasons 

1. NSFAS Appeals for Exceeding Income Thresholds

If NSFAS rejects your application for exceeding the NSFAS household income threshold, their applications will be revisited in the following situations:

  • Their household income has changed since their NSFAS application submission and documentary evidence of this point is given to NSFAS.
  • The students have the option to provide evidence of their household income that is below the specified threshold.
  • The primary income source of their household income has been unable to work or has passed away since the submission of their application.
  • In case the applicant/student has been declared independent of their biological parents by a court and the South African court has established that the parents of the applicants are no longer responsible for the student/applicant’s expenses of all types.
  • The applicant/student is from a child-headed household, as confirmed by a report from a registered social worker with the Department of Social Development. In that case, the child manages his household without his parents and takes responsibility for his younger siblings.

2. NSFAS Appeals for Academic Issues

Suppose your NSFAS applications were rejected for not fulfilling the NSFAS academic eligibility criteria. In that case, they will only be revisited in a case where the student is a continuing student, and he was not a new student or being funded for the first time in their previous educational term of study and:

  • The students don’t complete their education term successfully due to continuous severe illness for the two months or more of the academic term or during the examinations.
  • The student doesn’t complete his academic term successfully on account of a death in his immediate family during the academic term.
  • The student’s failure to complete the educational term successfully is due to becoming the victim of a violent crime.
  • The student fails to complete their academic term successfully due to his pregnancy and giving birth during the academic term.
  • If the student proves the academic results received by NSFAS are inaccurate.
  • The student failed to complete their educational term on account of their disability. 

3. NSFAS Appeals for Exceeding the N+ Limit

If you have crossed the maximum allowed period for your selected course (N+1 or N+2 for those with disabilities), you generally have no right to appeal. However, if your academic issues are the following, you can appeal. The applicants with Serious illness, death, crime, pregnancy, or disability have the right to appeal as discussed above in detail.

If you’re close to finishing, with 50% or fewer credits left for a university degree, or only a few subjects left for a TVET qualification. 

How to Appeal For NSFAS

The appeal submitting process and NSFAS online application form submission are similar. While submitting an appeal, the only students who have rejected mistakenly are urged to file an appeal by the closing date. Let’s know how to submit your NSFAS appeal and upload documents in simple steps.

How To Submit Your NSFAS Appeal

  1. Click this link to visit the official NSFAS website.
  2. Now, log into your myNSFAS account with a password and ID number.
  3. Choose the option “Track Funding Progress.”
  4. See the application progress tabs.
  5. If your application status shows unsuccessful, you can submit an appeal by selecting “Submit Appeal.”
  6. Once you are on the ‘Application Appeal’ page, you can see the reason for your unsuccessful application status.
  7. You can choose the reason for the appeal.
  8. Upload the relevant documents that are duly certified to support your case.
  9. In the final step, click on the option “Submit Appeal.”

Now the students can track the progress of their appeal by visiting myNSFAS account.

Point To Remember

NSFAS responds to the appeal within 30 days via email or portal.

NSFAS Appeal Status

After appeal submission, if you want to know how to check your appeal NSFAS status, simply click this link(NSFAS ) and log into your myNSFAS account. Search the appeal section to see the status of your appeal, whether it is approved, rejected, or still in progress. The following is the NSFAS appeal status. Let’s elaborate on them in detail:

Pending: The pending status indicates that your application has been submitted but has not yet been reviewed by the NSFAS team. It depends on the volume of receiving the appeal and how much time it will take to review your appeal. There is no need to worry; keep yourself updated by visiting the NSFAS official portal.

Approved: When the appeal status shows as “approved,” NSFAS has granted you funding by reviewing your appeal thoroughly. After this, you’ll soon receive further information about funds disbursement and the procedure of funds allocation for your studies. It’s advised that you check your mail regularly and be ready to respond as and when NSFAS contacts you to receive funding for your studies.

Rejected: The status rejected means NSFAS has reviewed your appeal, but you can’t satisfy NSFAS to change its initial decision. You’ll receive a reason for rejecting your appeal to clarify your curiosity.

NSFAS appeal status

In Progress: “In Progress,” status is the indication that NSFAS is processing your appeal. This status also shows that NSFAS may demand more details or further clarification to process your appeal. So, be alert if appears this kind of status. The timely response to each query by NSFAS will benefit you in receiving NSFAS funding after accepting the appeal.

Finalized: The status appeal finalized meaning NSFAS has completed the appeal process, and has decided on your funding. In case of acceptance of the appeal, you’ll be given NSFAS funding, and on the other hand, if your appeal is rejected, then you should not lose heart and look for other funding opportunities. 

Eligibility Criteria for NSFAS Funding

  • The applicant must be a South African citizen or hold a permanent residency status.
  • The NSFAS’s funding focuses only on financially disadvantaged students. NSFAS only supports genuine, deserving students whose household income is below R350,000. SASSA grant beneficiaries automatically qualify for NSFAS funding.
  • NSFAS can’t compromise on poor academic performance; the students have to meet the minimum academic standard set by their institutions.
  • The applicant must be enrolled or apply to a public university or TVET college of South Africa. 

What Institutions Can You Get NSFAS Funding For?

Students studying at public higher education institutions, including 26 famous public universities in South Africa, can receive funds. The students of Universities of Technology, like the famous Durban University, also receive NSFAS funding. NSFAS also deals with students enrolled in TVET colleges, a vocational and technical education source.

Full-time students are eligible for NSFAS funding to study at these public institutions. To keep you updated with these institutions, visit the NSFAS website or contact their offices for the latest updates. 

Supporting Documents for NSFAS Appeal

Supporting Documents for NSFAS Appeal

The following documents are mandatory to submit an appeal to NSFAS:

  1. Appeal Letter: An appeal letter in which you will explain your situation and reasons for appeal very argumentatively.
  2. Financial Documents: The provision of financial documents can play a vital role in accepting your appeal. You must submit evidence of your financial situation, such as bank statements or income proof.
  3. Academic Records: Prepare your appeal by including transcripts or other educational qualifications.
  4. Personal Statement: Detail any challenges affecting your performance or financial situation. You should know how to express your challenges affecting your performance or financial situation. If you write a perfect statement, NSFAS will accept your appeal.  
  5. Special Circumstances Documentation: Submitting relevant medical reports or other documentary proof for exceptional circumstances will be helpful.
  6. Proof of Registration: Always confirm your enrollment at a recognized public higher education institution for submitting it as proof of your registration.


Understanding the importance of how to appeal for NSFAS is a need of every student who intends to receive funding from NSFAS. You have to encounter different challenges during this appealing process. The essential tasks are to write an outstanding appeal, provide necessary documents, and submit your request through the proper channel.

It depends on how well you know about the appeal processes and how efficiently you present your appeal. Read this article thoroughly and submit your appeal according to the instructions; the NSFAS Appeals Committee will accept your appeal. 


The document submission is straightforward. To upload documents for an NSFAS appeal, follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in to your NSFAS Account: Login to your account by visiting official NSFAS website and provide your ID number and password.
  2. Go to the Appeals Tab: Navigate the option “Appeal” on your dashboard.
  3. Select the Reason for Your Appeal: Select the reason for your submitting appeal from the list provided.
  4. Upload Supporting Documents: Click the “Upload” button to attach the required documents. Ensure the files are transparent and in the correct format (usually PDF). To attach the relevant documents in PDF, click “Upload.” One thing to keep in mind, the document files should be transparent and in PDF format.
  5. Submit Your Appeal: After uploading, review the information and documents, then click “Submit” to complete your appeal process. After uploading, review the information and documents thoroughly, then click on the option “Submit” to complete the appeal process.
  6. Confirmation: A confirmation message will be received on your registered email and cell phone about submission of your appeal successfully.

It’s, therefore, suggested that you keep an eye on your NSFAS portal or email for the latest updates regarding your appeal status. 

Yes, you have the right to appeal if you fall into the category of new or continuing students, as discussed in detail. You can appeal for NSFAS funding if your application cannot be accepted or your funding has been withdrawn.

You must have a valid reason and supporting documents to justify why NSFAS should review your fund application. You can appeal for NSFAS by following the steps discussed above in the article.

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